Personal Growth and Well-Being

by | Apr 8, 2024

Personal growth and well-being stem from having a purpose in life.  I have come to understand that WHAT my purpose is in life, is so easily created by living each day on purpose.  Finding the beauty in the present moment is a blessing that provides peace and contentment.  Although difficult to achieve in this busy world, “stopping to smell the roses” is a gift to self and others.  The energy created resonates outward like the ripples on a pond when a stone is thrown into the water.  I have come to appreciate that gratitude is the highest level of energy in the universe and when practiced daily, creates a positive and healthy state of well being.  As stated in the literature, “we are human beings”, not “human doings.”  Indeed, something to ponder.

I would like to share a little story with you.  It’s one I heard on a Wayne Dyer podcast.  It goes as follows.  There was an old lady who was extremely poor.  Each day she would walk through the meadow down to a beautiful sparkling stream. One morning while sitting at the edger of the river she spotted a brilliantly shining stone.  Knowing it was a precious stone, she scooped it out of the water and placed it gently into her bag.  While enjoying the moment, a traveler approached her.  He told her he was tire and hungry and ask her for some food.  The old lady pulled out a piece of crusty bread from her bag and offered it to the man. The man then spied the precious stone and asked if the lady would give it to him.  She said, “Of course” and handed him the gem.  Knowing the stone would fulfill all his dreams, he thanked her and set off to travel once again.

The next morning the gentleman reappeared with the stone in hand.  He returned the gift and asked the old lady if she could please give him something better than the gem”. She replied,”Yes, of course and what would that be?”  The man replied, “What you have inside of you that enabled you to be so willing to give away such a precious gift. I, indeed, need more of that..”

Along with gratitude comes generosity, acceptance, forgiveness and love.



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